Ep. 10: Most Churches Exclude Me
Inclusion is a hot buzz word around disability today. Many churches are doing their part when it comes to ministering to people with disabilities. However, a church should be as diverse in its leadership as it is in its congregation. In this episode, Mandi calls for true inclusion in the church. Find Me Online: Website Facebook Instagram Transcript Mandi : Mandi Frantz here welcoming you to my podcast - Find Your Beautiful: Life Through the Eyes of a Christian Disabled Woman. [Upbeat Background Music] Mandi : My first God encounter happened when I was 6 years old. It was at a faith-based summer camp about an hour north of New York City. That summer, and the six summers that followed, are some of my best childhood memories. To this day, 26 years later, I am still good friends with many of my mentors from camp. While I wish I could say I had a face-to-face, or out of this world spiritual encounter with God when I was 6, it wasn't that. My encounter with ...